Every day, I send a little bundle of TangleMail out into the world; and because the majority of my customers love stamps just as much as I do, I make a special effort to use attractive stamps on the envelope. There have been some beautiful British stamps issued over the years, and those issued in decimal currency (from as long ago as 1971 - pre-me!) are still valid as postage so I have started tracking down old-but-mint copies to use on my outgoing mail.
Whenever I can, I theme the stamps on the envelope to match its contents. This little batch of TangleMail (below left) is very representative of the kind of envelopes that I send out almost daily filled with packets of flowers & butterflies. So pretty! Where possible, I will make up the postage amount with classic Machin stamps, which I also love dearly - so many amazing colours! (I was shocked when I recently heard somebody refer to them as 'boring'!)

Last month I sent out a notebook with a rainbow Machin cover, and made a special effort to include a whole rainbow of colours on the outside of the envelope, too (above right). Click here to view my full range of British stamp notebooks.
My thematic piece de resistance to date, though, was this little beauty: from left-then-along-and-round-the-corner I managed to match this customer's order for Christmas, butterfly, blue, flower & bird stamps. I tucked a TangleMail Newsletter inside, too, so I'm really hoping this recipient follows the enclosed instructions to soak those stamps free again!

(Click here to view currently available themed & mixed stamp packets).
Back to my title, I really do think I need a TangleCrafts theme song! Any ideas...? :)